On Wednesday, November 20, 2024, Link Community Charter School held its annual “A Taste of Newark” celebration. The Sisters of Saint Dominic of Caldwell, particularly +Sister Vivien Jennings, OP, were noted and thanked for dreaming and founding “Project Link” in 1969. Project Link began with grades 7-8, and over the years it has excelled and grown to grades K-8. They are enhancing the scholars’ academic knowledge and skills and helping to boost their achievement and self-confidence.
Sisters Alice and Eleanor Uhl, OP, were among four people who were honored and thanked for their volunteer service to the ‘scholars’ at Link Community Charter School. Sister Alice had served as a teacher and principal at Project Link. Both Sister Alice and Sister Eleanor provide one-on-one or small group tutoring in literacy and math to grades K-3. Many sisters and associates were in attendance at the event and enjoyed the ceremony and the food from local restaurants in Newark.